
Michael F. Sabitoni


410 South Main Street, Providence, RI 02903

401-331-9682 Office

401-861-1480 Fax



Scott Duhamel


269 Macklin Street, Cranston, RI 02920

401-467-7010 Office

401-467-7074 Fax


William Beaudry.jpg

William Beaudry


150 Midway Road, Suite 1 . Cranston, RI 02920-5743

401-946-9940 Office

401-946-5060 Fax


RIBT 2018  David Langlais, Bridge, structural , ornamental & reinforcing....jpg

David Langlais 


845 Waterman Ave.East Providence, RI 02914

401-438-111 Office

401-438-6965 Fax


What We Do:

A trade union is an organization of workers dedicated to protecting members' interests and improving wages, hours and working conditions. By speaking up together we accomplish more. Union members work together to negotiate and enforce a contract with management that guarantees the things you care about like decent raises, affordable health care, job security, training opportunities and safe working conditions.  Our Council works together on issues that affect our industry and the trades men and women who work in construction.

Our Affiliated Unions

210 Bodwell StreetAvon, MA 02322617-328-8400 Office617-328-7582 Fax

210 Bodwell Street

Avon, MA 02322

617-328-8400 Office

617-328-7582 Fax

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers (Boilermakers) Local #29


Charles Hancock

Business Manager: Charles Hancock / chuckh@bmlocal29.org

Assistant Business Managers: Mr. Scott T. Burke / scottb@bmlocal29.org

Michael J. Hancock / mikeh@bmlocal29.org

The Boilermakers are a diverse union of workers in construction, maintenance, manufacturing, professional emergency medical services, repair and related industries. Boilermakers build and repair ships, fishing boats, ferries, barges, cranes, boilers, tanks, pressure vessels, plate and structural fabrications among other things. These skilled workers often use acetylene torches, power grinders and other equipment for welding, burning, cutting, rigging, layout and bolting. It’s hard work, and heavy lifting and dedication to the craft is required.

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local Union #29 / www.bmlocal29.org

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers / www.boilermakers.org

150 Midway Road, Suite 153Cranston, RI 02920-5743401-946-9940 Office401-946-5060 Fax

150 Midway Road, Suite 153

Cranston, RI 02920-5743

401-946-9940 Office

401-946-5060 Fax

International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) Local Union #3

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Richard Pacheco

Business Manager: Richard Pacheco / Bac1ri@verizon.net

Field Representative: William E. Beaudry, III /    Back1ri@verizon.net

International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) represents all skilled trowel trades workers, including bricklayers, tile setters, plasterers, cement masons, marble masons, restoration workers, and terrazzo and mosaic workers. Their work can be seen on many buildings, homes, stadiums, monuments and landmarks throughout the United States and Canada. BAC craftworkers routinely demonstrate their talents at trade shows, union industries shows and apprentice contests.

Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local Union #3 (MA ME NH RI) / www.bacweb.org




401-919-5919 PHONE


Building Futures

Andrew Cortés Executive Director / acortes@bfri.org

Debra Medeiros Deputy Director / dmedeiros@bfri.org

Ian Chase Career & Training Director / ichase@bfri.org

Building Futures meets employer and industry need for skilled workers through the Registered Apprenticeship system while creating family-sustaining career opportunities for low-income diverse residents of Rhode Island. At Building Futures, we connect women and men, ages 18-35, to careers in the building and construction trades. Program participants earn industry standard certifications, including OSHA 10, CPR, First Aid, Aerial Lift, and can choose to earn American Welding Certifications. Graduates also learn the skills necessary to succeed on the job as an apprentice in any trade. With nearly 300 graduates working in 12 trades, Building Futures is a proud partner of the RI Building & Construction Trades Council.   

Building Futures / www.bfri.org 

410 South Main StreetProvidence, RI 02903401-331-9682 Office401-861-1480 Fax

410 South Main Street

Providence, RI 02903

401-331-9682 Office

401-861-1480 Fax

Laborers’ International Union of North America Construction and General Laborers’ Local Union #271

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Michael F. Sabitoni

Business Manager: Joseph Vitullo, Jr. / jvitullo@local271.org

International General Secretary-Treasurer: Michael F. Sabitoni / msabitoni@local271.org

Field Representatives: Frederick Pilkington / fpilkington@local271.org

Ray Johnson / rjohnson@local271.org

Laborers’ International Union of North America Construction Craft Laborers build essential infrastructure such as roads, bridges and tunnels. In addition, they construct industrial, commercial, and residential buildings.   Laborers have historically been involved in the construction and maintenance of natural gas, fossil fuel, and nuclear power plants. Laborers are at the forefront of sustainable energy projects such as solar and wind farms, as well as geothermal heating and cooling systems. They also perform environmental remediation work and other tasks including underground utility work, concrete placement, site preparation, demolition, and clean-up activities.  They also must be proficient in the operation of a wide variety of pneumatic tools. 

Construction and General Laborers’ Local Union #271 / www.laborerslocal271.org

Laborers’ International Union of North America / www.liuna.org

1661 Worcester Road, Suite 302Framingham, MA 01701617-254-2400 Office508-283-5555 Office

1661 Worcester Road, Suite 302

Framingham, MA 01701

617-254-2400 Office

508-283-5555 Office

Eastern Millwright Local Union #1121

Executive Secretary Treasurer: Joseph Byrne

Regional Director: Zack Middleton

Council Representatives: Andy Benedetto / abenedetto@nasrcc.org

Aron Danielson / adanielson@nasrcc.org

Evan Wytas / ewytas@nasrcc.org

Millwrights install, maintain, diagnose, and repair equipment such as compressors, pumps, conveyors, gas and steam turbines, monorails, and extruders. They can be found performing mission-critical work at coal, gas, nuclear, and alternative-energy power plants. Their skills are also vital in industries as diverse as automotive, aerospace, food processing, and pharmaceuticals.   Precision is a critical skill for millwrights, who sometimes work with specifications requiring tolerances to a thousandth of an inch. Ongoing training and skill-enhancement classes ensure members are experts in the use of tools and instruments.

Eastern Millwright Local Union #1121 / www.easternmillwrights.com/RegionNewEngland.xml

Millwrights / www.ubcmillwrights.org

22 Amflex DriveCranston, RI 02921401-946-9900 Office401-946-9907 Faxwww.IBEW99.org

22 Amflex Drive

Cranston, RI 02921

401-946-9900 Office

401-946-9907 Fax


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union #99

Joe Walsh

Business Manager/Financial Secretary: Mr. Joe Walsh / jwalsh@ibew99.org

Organizer: Alvin Reyes / areyes@ibew99.org

Assistant Business Manager: Wayne Tait / wtait@ibew99.org

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents workers in the electrical industry including construction, gas and electric utilities, telecommunications, railroads and government agencies. Construction and residential electricians work in all phases of the electrical construction and service industry. Their worksites range from single-family residences to state-of-the-art industrial plants. Inside wire workers may install and maintain conduits, switches, converters, wire lighting, and complex systems incorporating computerization and high technology. Electricians work in the electric sign industry and increasingly perform work in the installation of fiber optics and voice/data/video equipment

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union #99 / www.Ibewlocal99.org

International brotherhood of electrical workers / www.ibew.org.

14 Jefferson Park RoadWarwick, RI 02888401-467-7070 Office401-467-6838 Fax

14 Jefferson Park Road

Warwick, RI 02888

401-467-7070 Office

401-467-6838 Fax

Carpenters Union Local 330

Michael Holmes

Regional Business Manager: Dennis Lassiege / dlassige@nasrcc.org

Business Representatives: Michael Holmes /  mholmes@nasrcc.org

Derek A. Adamiec / dadamiec@nasrcc.org

Catherine Pena / cpena@nasrcc.org

Lead Organizer: Ernie Belo / ebelo@narcc.org

Political Coordinator: Ben Branchaud /  bbranchaud@nasrcc.org

General carpenters provide the crucial foundation for concrete, exteriors, roofs, infrastructure, and scaffolding while also crafting fine trim and finish work. These professionals work with a variety of materials in every kind of structure; they are responsible for bringing blueprints to life. UBC carpenters are skilled in laying out, measuring, cutting, erecting, and joining materials together. They are highly trained to work quickly, accurately, and safely, while delivering the quality of work contractors and their customers have come to expect.

RI Carpenters Union Local 94 / www.local94ri.com

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America / www.carpenters.org

18 Jonathan Drive.Charlestown RI 02813401-213-4247 Office401-213-4247 Fax

PO Box 8489

warwick, ri 02888

401-213-4247 Office

401-213-4247 Fax

International Union of Elevator Constructors Local Union #39

Business Manager: Al Noons / Iueclocal39@gmail.com

The International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC) represent the most qualified and trained elevator constructors in the world. Members assemble, install and replace elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, moving walkways and similar equipment in new and old buildings. Elevator constructors also maintain and repair this equipment and modernize older equipment.

International Union of Elevator Constructors Local Union #39 /www.iuec.org

303 Freeport StreetBoston, MA 02122-3513617-436-4666 Office617-265-9887 Fax

303 Freeport Street

Boston, MA 02122-3513

617-436-4666 Office

617-265-9887 Fax

International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Union Local #6

Thomas Wall

Business Manager: Jeffrey Saliba / jeffsaliba6@insulators6.org

Organizer: Pat O’Toole /  patotoole@insulators6.org

Marketing Representatives: Thomas Wall / TomWall@insulators6.org

 Don Follett / donfollett@insulators6.org

International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers (Insulators) members apply insulation to pipes, tanks, boilers, ducts, refrigeration equipment and other surfaces requiring thermal control of temperatures. The responsibilities of these mechanics, improvers and apprentices also include the manufacture, fabrication, assembling, molding, erection, spraying, pouring, mixing, hanging, preparation, application, adjusting, alteration, repairing, dismantling, reconditioning, corrosive control, testing and maintenance of heat or frost insulation. Workers also handle insulation materials made of fiberglass, rubber, calcium silicate and urethane. Asbestos workers do removal of asbestos containing material.

International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers Union Local #6 / www.insulators6.org

International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers / www.insulators.org

845 Waterman AvenueEast Providence, RI 02914401-438-1111 Office401-438-6965 Fax

845 Waterman Avenue

East Providence, RI 02914

401-438-1111 Office

401-438-6965 Fax

International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers Union Local #37

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David M. Langlois

Business Manager/FST: David M. Langlois / david@iwlocal37.com

Business Agent/Organizer: Mickey Larose / mickey@iwlocal37.com

President: Matt Jackson / matt@iwlocal37.com

International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (IW) members assemble and erect steel framework and other metal parts in buildings and on bridges, dams, skyscrapers, factories and other steel structures. They raise, place and join steel griders and columns to form structural frameworks, including the welding for metal decking.

International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers Union Local #37 / http://www.ironworkers.org/

1808 Elmwood AvenueWarwick, RI 02888401-467-7010 Office401-466-7075 Faxwww.IUPAT.org

1808 Elmwood Avenue

Warwick, RI 02888

401-467-7010 Office

401-466-7075 Fax


International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 11, Painters Local Union #195 & Glaziers Local Union #1333


Scott Duhamel

International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 11, Painters Local Union #195

Business Manager: Jason Wethman (located at CT office) / jwerthman@iupatdc11.com

Business Representative: Justin Kelley / jkelley@iupatdcll.com

Justin Kelley

Assistant to the General President International Union of Painters & Allied Trades: Scott Duhamel / sduhamel@iupat.org

International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 11,  Glaziers Local Union #1333

Business Manager: Jason Werthman (located at CT Office) / dcieri@iupatdc11.com

Business Representative: Joe Fazzino / jfazzino@iupatdc11.com

International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) members work in one or more of several crafts: painting, wallpaper hanging, glazing (glass work), drywall and taping, floor covering, and sign and display work. Painters and paperhangers work in industrial, commercial and residential settings, from bridges and ships to interior walls of office buildings and homes. Drywall finishers tape, fill in and smooth seams in sheets of drywall. Glaziers prepare and install various kinds of glass, mirrors, metal framing and doors/entrances to buildings. Floor coverers work with resilient floors, as well as carpet and decorative coverings. Members also perform exterior sign and display work, like standard billboards and lighted billboards. Other types of work are convention display and show decorators.

International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 11, Painters Local Union #195 Glaziers Local Union #1333 / www.iupatdc11.org

The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades / www.iupat.org

22 Amflex DriveCranston, RI 02921401-943-1185 Office401-943-1894 Fax

22 Amflex Drive

Cranston, RI 02921

401-943-1185 Office

401-943-1894 Fax

Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association Plasterers’ & Cement Masons’ Local Union #40

David Gentile III

International Representative: Scott Ruane / sruane@opcmia.org

Business Manager/Financial Secretary: David Gentille III / dgentille@noedc.org

Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association (OPCMIA) members represent skilled plasterers, cement masons, shophands and associated members. Plasterers finish interior walls and ceilings of buildings, apply plaster on masonry, metal, wirelath or gypsum. Bridges, canals, dams, reservoirs, roads and many other engineering feats would be impossible without the skills of OPCMIA cement masons. Cement masons are responsible for all concrete construction, including pouring and finishing of slabs, steps, wall tops, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, paving and other concrete construction.

Plasters’ & Cement Masons’ Local Union #40 Operative Plasterers’ & Cement Masons’ International Association / www.opcmia.org

11 Hemingway DriveEast Providence, RI 02915401-943-3033 Office401-943-8027 Fax

11 Hemingway Drive

East Providence, RI 02915

401-943-3033 Office

401-943-8027 Fax

Plumbers, Pipe Fitters, Refrigeration Local Union #51

Paul Alvarez

Business Manager: Paul Alvarez / palvarez@ualocal51.com

Business Agents: John McMullen / jmcmullen@ualocal51.com

William DeMello /  bdemello@ualocal51.com

Organizer:  Darrel Price / dprice@ualocal51.com

United Association – Union of Plumbers, Fitters, Welders and Service Techs (UA) is a multicraft union representing plumbers and pipe, sprinkler and refrigerator fitters, and service technicians. These jobs require the installation, remodeling or maintenance of systems that carry water, steam, air and other liquids or gases necessary for sanitation, industrial production, heating and air conditioning, and many other uses. Workers measure, cut and bend pipe, weld, braze, caulk, solder, glue or thread joints at residential and commercial job sites.

Plumbers, Pipeftters, Refrigeration Local Union #51 / www.ualocal51.com

53 Evans DrivePO Box 9106Stoughton, MA 02072781-341-9192 Office781-341-9195 Fax

53 Evans Drive

PO Box 9106

Stoughton, MA 02072

781-341-9192 Office

781-341-9195 Fax

United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local Union #33

Business Manager/Financial Secretary: Paul Bickford

President: Brian Brousseau / brian@rul33.com

Vice President/Business Agent:  Willie Hernandez / willie@rul33.com

United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Worker (Union Roofers) members install new roofs and remove old roofs using a variety of materials. Roofers install hot built-up and single-ply roofing systems on mostly commercial/industrial structures. Waterproofers install moisture-resistant products on below-grade structures and other surfaces to prevent water intrusion into buildings. The work is performed in all weather conditions. Members also operate a variety of mechanical and electrical equipment associated with the installation of roofing and waterproofing products.

United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters, Welders and Service Techs / www.ua.org

Roofers & Waterproofers Local Union #33 / www.rul33.com

United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers / www.unionroofers.com

175 Ridge StreetProvidence, RI 02909401-831-7150 Office401-831-7152 Fax

22 Amflex Drive

cranston, ri 02921

401-831-7150 Office

401-831-7152 Fax

Sheet Metal Workers RI Local Union #17

Pat Donlan

Business Manager: Bob Butler / bbutler@smw17boston.org

Business Agent: Pat Donlan / pdonlan@smart-nerc.org

Labor Management  Representative: John Cody / jcody@smw17boston.org

Organizer: Steve Kovatsi / skovatsi@smw17boston.org

International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) members work in several industries. Sheet metal workers fabricate, install and service heating, venting and air conditioning systems; blowpipe and industrial systems; metal roofing; coping and flashing; and stainless steel work for restaurants, kitchens and hospitals. They prepare shop and field drawings manually and with computer-aided design.

Sheet Metal Workers RI Local Union #17 / www.smw17.org

International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers / www.smart-union.org

7050 Oakland Mills RoadSuite 2000Columbia, Maryland410-381-43600 Office301-621-8045 FaxPO Box 48, Lebanon, CT 06249860-468-0444 Office

7050 Oakland Mills Road

Suite 2000

Columbia, Maryland

410-381-43600 Office

301-621-8045 Fax

PO Box 48, Lebanon, CT 06249

860-468-0444 Office

Sprinkler Fitters and Apprentices of Connecticut, Rhode Island & Western Massachusetts, Local Union #669 U.A.

Business Representative: Dave DeRoehn / daved41669@gmail.com

Organizer: Wayne Roderick / WRSprinkfitter@gmail.com

A sprinkler fitter is responsible for installing testing, inspecting, and certifying of automatic fire suppression systems including pipe systems and valves in all types of structures. Sprinkler fitters work with a variety of pipe and tubing materials including several types of plastic, copper, steel, cast iron, and ductile iron. They cut, thread, assemble, and bond pipes and tubes according to equipment specifications.

Sprinkler Fitters and Apprentices of Connecticut, Rhode Island & Western Massachusetts, Local Union #669 U.A. / www.sprinklerfitters669.org

United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters, Welders and Service Techs / www.ua.org


121 Brightridge Ave

East Providence, RI 02914

401-434-0454 Office

401-431-1893 Fax

Teamsters Local Union # 251

Secretary Treasurer & Principal Officer: Matt Taibi / Mtaibi.ibt252@gmail.com

Assistant Business Agent: Mr. Robert Medeiros / Rmedeirosibt251@gmail.com

Construction Representative: Mr. Michael Klitzner / mixerman450@cox.net

Founded in 1903, The Teamsters were primarily involved in transportation-related jobs, such as truck drivers, delivery drivers, and others who operated teams of horses (hence the term "teamster"). Over time, the union expanded to represent a variety of workers in different industries, including warehouse workers, construction workers, and others. Today, Teamsters are still largely associated with drivers, but the union also represents workers in many other fields.

General Teamsters Local 251 / teamsterslocal251.org

International Brotherhood of Teamsters / teamster.org